Saturday, September 26, 2020



1. Devi Ayuningtyas


2.Lyvia Bella Ayu Azzahra Barwyzid 

3. Asty Widiyanti 

4. Natasya Putri Salsabila

5. Khoirul Nissa Dwi Setiana

6. Feffi Amelia Putri

7. Ipink Anvil Anshinda

8. Izza Azka Kamila  

Monday, September 14, 2020


            You can call me Aldi since my full name is Ade Wahyu Alfachdi. I am a student and I like to learn by listening to music and playing sports such as playing badminton, futsal and soccer. My goal is to become a badminton athlete and entrepreneur.

            I am from Lampung, to be precise in Way Kanan Regency. The area where I live has a difficult road to pass especially during the rainy season. For my educational background, I graduated from SMA GLOBAL MADANI and is currently continuing my education at the college at UNNES.

            Related to the new situations, I feel I need to upgrade my self to keep up with the changes and challenges. The pandemic encourages us to do many things virtually. Let's be positive in any situation. Fighting. Do your best and we'll get the best.

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb

           Hello,My name is Adi Gunadarma Idsuka and you can call me Kaka Idsuka. I was born in Bone,February 17th 2002. I’m currently 18 years old. My Hobbi is playing football and billiard. I live in Semarang City for 12 years because I’m from south sulawesi. I am 179 cm tall and weigh 65 kg

            I’m the type of person who is quiet and passive with new people but when I'm with best friends, I'm the active and mischievous type. I am a peace-loving person who doesn't like fuss

My name is Adnan  Wirayudha, usually call yudha. I was born in Pati 16 July 2002. I am 18 years old and currently studying at  Semarang State University. I  wanted to be an entrepreuner, so  I majored in management  at semarang State University. Previously  I studied at SD N Kuniran 03, SMP N 1 Batangan, and SMA N 1 Batangan.I am an adaptive and never give up . My hobbies are playing football, futsal, and reading novels. 


            My name is Afifah Nurulita Sari, I was born in Semarang, 25 October 2001. My hobby is swimming and my dream is to be a successful entrepreneur who can make my parents proud and be able to make Hajj for both parents and my family.My home address is PerumKetileng Indah Blok M 101 RT 05 RW 13 Tembalang Subdistrict, Sendang-Mulyo Village. Here I am 3 sisters and I am the last of the 3 siblings. My first sister is named Mitha Rahmania Pratiwi, and my second sister is Ridha Dwi Setyowati. The distance between me and my sister is only 2 years.

My education history is as follows:

1. Tunas Harapan Islamic Kindergarten 2006-2008

2. SD Islam Tunas Harapan 2008-2014

3. MTs N 1 Semarang City 2014-2017

4. MAN 1 Semarang City 2017-2020

You can call me Alif since my full name is Alif Rizqiani. I was born in Batang, September 24th, 2002. I am a new student majoring in management at the Semarang State University. I am from Batang, Central Java, and it is about 2 hours from Semarang by car. For my educational background, I graduated from Vocational High School 1 Batang  majoring in Islamic Banking.

Speaking of a hobby, traditional dance is one of my hobbies. I like dancing since I was Elementary School. I am the first child of one brother. My younger brother sat in grade 1 Junior High School. When I go to college, I want to be an outstanding students and after graduating I can become a successful entrepreneur or lecturer. So many introductions from me, thank you.

Nama lengkap   : Andri Widodo

Nama panggilan : Andwie

Ttl               :Temanggung,13 juli 2001

Prodi            : Meejemen

Fakultas         : Ekonomi

Asal daerah     : Temanggung

Hobi             : Volly ball

            Hi, my name is Andri Widodo, usually called Andwi, it comes from an abbreviation of my name, I have 2 siblings, I was born from a simple family, I come from Temanggung, I have a hobby of volleyball, I am a quiet person if I am not very immune if I am okay the person is cool, if you are invited to joke, you can take it seriously but unfortunately I find it difficult to speak in front of many people and that is the biggest problem in my life that's all I can say, thank you.

            Hello, my name is Anisa Sulistyowati. My friends only call me Anisa. I am the first of three siblings. I’m born in Karanganyar, 13 June 2002 and now my age is 18 years old. I live in Jurug rt 02/rw 02 Jumapolo, Karangannyar. My religion is islam. My favorite coloris bluea nd my favorite animal is butterfly. Now i’m study in Semarang University, majoring in management faculty of economics. My hoby is cooking and my goals is tobe a success enterpreneur.

            Hi, my name is Annisa Innayatul Lathiefah and you can call me Annisa or Aya. I am 18 years old, becaus i was born on march 11, 2002. I come from Rembang, Central Java. I am a graduate from high school 1 Rembang. I am a new students at UNNES manajement major. 

             I chose that major, because I like economics. my home area is not far from semarang, namely Rembang central java. not too long to go to semarang, which is about 2 hours. As a result of a pandemic like this, all lecture activities are conducted online, So I don't need to stay in Semarang for now. but don't make this an opportunity to be lazy to learn. keep enthusiastic in college, even if only at home

    You can call me Asty since my full name is Asty Widiyanti. I am a new student at  Semarang state university. I’m from Way Kanan, an area far from the city which is 6 to 8 hours from Bandar Lampung. For my educational background, I graduated  from a Madrasah aliyah in the Lampung area, namely MAN One east lampung.

Regarding new situations, I feel I need to improve myself to keep up with changes and challenges. The pandemic is pushing us to virtually do things. Let’s be positive in any situation. Fight. Do your best and we will have the best.

    Hello! Let me introduce myself. My name Aulia Rachmad Darry Hutomo. You can call me Tommy. I was born in Blora, 22th August 2000. I was the second of two children. Currently, I live in Bekisar Street Number 16, Blora, Central Java. My hobby is Sunday morning riding with my friends. During my last semester holiday, I learned to sell second-hand phones in Blora, which brought me considerable experience and income. Related to the new situations, I hope that things will get better soon and that I will be able to study in college again.

My name is Arya Nakula Santoso, you can call me Arya. I was born in Purworejo on June 8, 2002. I am currently 18 years old. I live in Tanjungrejo Village, Bayan District, Purworejo Regency, Central Java Province. I live in Tanjungrejo with my family. I have two siblings, a boy and a girl. I am currently studying at the Semarang State University majoring in management. My hobbies are playing basketball, reading, playing guitar, and playing games

Hello. My name is Az Zahra Madaniah Hafifah. I am nineteen years old this year. I was born on 14th march 2001 at Tangerang. I live at Tangerang. I was the third child of four childreen. I graduated from SMAN 2 Tangerang. Curently studying Management major the economic Faculty of Semarang State University. I have a biggest being a Minister of Finance like Mrs. Sri Mulyani. My educational plan these days is getting a scholarship to Germany for my master program.

            My name is Bijak Rachmanu Nantagumilang, my nickname is Yanu. I’m from the Faculty of Economics, Department of management. I was born in Cirebon, Februari 18, 2002. My goal is to become a successful entrepreneur. My hobbies are playing soccer and futsal. Previously, I studied at SDN Merapi in Cirebon City, SMPN 04 Cirebon City, and SMAN 6 Cirebon City. My life motto is to approach your Creator and the world is yours.

           Hello everyone, my name Devi Ayuningtyas. You can call me Devi.  I am 18years old, because I was born on June 9, 2002. I am a student at UNNES from Yogyakarta. A wonderfull city with lots of memories inside. If you have time, come visit Yogyakarta, I am sure you will be impressed with this city.My hobby is watching film, YouTube, and reading some type of books. I am interested to learn English, but until now I am still not fluent in English. But, I will try my best to learn this language until I have no trouble. My hardest part of learning English is the grammar. That’s all from me, thank you.

            Hallo guys, let met introduce my self. My name is Dias Maulidya Oktaviani but you can call me Dias. I was born in Kab.Semarang 16 Mei 2002 and I am 18 years old. My hobby is reading, because reading can add insight.I live in Ungaran with my mother and little brother. I am an UNNES student majoring in manajement. Before I become an student UNNES, I was a student at SMA N 2 Ungaran. After gradution I want to become a bank employee and a career woman. So many introductions from me. Nice to meet you.

Hello everyone!

            Let me introduce myself. My name is Dina Carlinna. You can call me Dina or Dincar. I was born in Sawahlunto on January 19th 2002. Sawahlunto is a city in West Sumatera province. I’m 18 years old. I live in Kawi 1 Street RT 9 RW 5 Semarang. My hobbies are watching Korean drama and movie. I am studying in Semarang State University. Thank you.

                Hello everyone, my name is Dina Maritza . You can call me Dina. I was born in Kendal , on July 19 2002. I am 18 years old. I live in Kendal with my parents and three siblings ( two younger sister and one younger brother). So , I am the first child in my family. My hobbies are reading books( especially novels ) ,listening to music and watching movies. My favorite genre is action for movies. I like spicy food and cold drinks.  I also like cycling on the weekends with my siblings,we have so much fun. That’s all about my self. Thank you all.

            My name is elsafaniyah I was born in Cirebon on 12 june the year 2002 , now iam 18 years old. Iam the type of person who gets along easily with other people and I also have a hobby of writing shorts stories because by writing I can express all my feelings . I also like reading novels  and watching movies . In my life I have principle ‘‘Never give up something good will happen’’

         Hello everyone, let me introduce my self. My name is Evi Indah Kusuma Dewi and you can call me Evi. I am from Jepara the hometown of RA Kartini. I’m seventeen years old. Speaking of a hobby, taekwondo is my hobby. I’ve joined many competition and won some. 

     For me taekwondo is special thing, because i have second family in taekwondo. My coach is very kind and he like my brother. Actually, i am the youngerst child and i have older sibling, he is name Muhammad Liulil Huda. My father work as a driver, and my mother just a housewife. That is all about my self-introduction, thank you for yuor attention


Assalamu’alaikumWr. Wb

                In this occasion, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Fanesa Suthianto, you can call me Fanesa or Anes. I was born in Cirebon, July 21th 2002. Currently, I live in Jalan Ciperna Taman Kota number 32, Cirebon, West Java. I am the second child of three in my family. I have two brothers. One has graduated from college and the other is still in Junior High School.

            I began to go to school when I was 5 years old. I went to Pertiwi Kindergarten. A year later, I went to Elementary School in KebonMelati 1. As long as six year there and then I continued to go to Junior High School 4 Cirebon. At 2017th I was going to Senior High School, Now I get study to Semarang State University I taking Management.

            My hobbies are cooking and listen to music, I like to cook because my mother is good at cooking. I love listen to music like K-Pop, Pop and Ballad. I like genre music K-Pop because I like BTS.

            I want to be success entrepreneur. I told my parent about my dream, they give huge support and encourage me to reach my future dream. My parents will do everything to support my dream, they give me all the necessary education for my future success.

            I must be always trying to reach my dream. There is one sentence that you must remember, that word is that “ We were born to be REAL, not to be PERFECT “.

            So, that’s it about me. Thank you for reading.

                Hello, My name is Fahrizan Arya Maulana. My friends call me Fahrizan. I live in Dr.Ratna Street, Jatibening, PondokGede, Bekasi, West Java. I am eighteen years old. I am the second child of two siblings. My goal is to work in a place without pressure, therefor maybe I will become an entrepreneur, I want to work as chef. As time goes by maybe we can get to know more. Thank youuu.

Hallo everyone

              On this occasion,plese allow me to intruduce myself.My name is Febri Ayu Wulandari.I am the second child of two siblings.I was born in Grobogan,may 15 2002,now i’m 18 years old.Currently, I live in kalangbancar,geyer,grobogan. In my life have principle “succes is not a final,only an achievement.”

                My name is Feffi Amelia Putri, my daily life is usually called by the name Feffi. I was born on, may 14st 2003 in Sido Rukun, Merangin, Jambi, Indonesia. I was the third of three children. I graduated from high school in my hometown that SMA N 13 Merangin. Right now I’m sitting in one of the universities, namely the Semarang state university. I majored in management faculty of economic. My hobby very much. I like writing short story, I like writing poetry, I like singing though I have bad voice. I also like baking cake but often fail.

                My name is Feri Kurniawan and usually called Feri, born in Jepara 24 December 2001. And yes I am now 18 years old. My religion is Islam. I enjoy reading social media accounts that contain funny content on various platforms. Regarding education, I started my education at SDN 1 Bakalan, Kalinyamatan, Jepara, after graduating I continued my education at SMP Negeri 1 Mayong, Jepara and continued at SMA Negeri 1 Welahan, Jepara. Until 2020 I graduated and finally I passed to enter Semarang State University. This certainly requires a struggle that is not easy, especially doing it during a Covid19 pandemic like this. For my dreams, I actually have 3 main choices, namely either to become a Manager, CEO, or continue my Masters. But if indeed after graduating from S1 I cannot achieve these goals, that's ok, the important thing is I get a job according to what I have been doing so far.

                    He was born in a small town in remote Central Java, he was welcomed with love because he was their first child, Gilang Ahmad Fatturrahman was his name, they gave him that name because they were sure he would be a good person and also a strong child because he was bright in Javanese means steadfast, Gilang lives very happily because he gets love from his parents until 1 year later he has a younger brother named Mirza Nurrahman, Gilang and his younger brother grow up quickly 13 years is not felt, Gilang has entered junior high school, Gilang has passed His golden period at the first school by becoming an exemplary graduate in addition to being the most male memorizer of the Quran, and serving as the Kutua Osis in 2016 was successful in making his parents happy, he will face high school years, in high school years this is very high. at his lowest point, after he rose in junior high school he was dropped ol eh allah, Allah wants to test him how strong he is to face this problem, and Gilang also knows that Allah will not test his servant beyond his limits, glorious through his school days chopping up with difficulty, desperately. 

                Graduation is in sight after going through difficult times, it's time to face a period where she has to choose between continuing her study or stopping here, her parents never give up to encourage Gilang to want to continue her study studies, finally she took SBMPTN at Airlangga University but Allah had a different wish, he had not been accepted, finally he applied for an independent pathway at the Semarang State University. This is where Allah gave him a way to continue his studies. Dan Gilang wanted to prove to his parents that he could.


                My name is Hanif Fauzil Adhim May. I was born on May, 06th 2002. I live on Perum Serasi, Ambarawa District, Semarang Regency. I am the third child of four brother. My favorite color is blue.  I graduated from high school in my hometown that SMAN 1 Ambarawa. My hobbies are , helping parents, watch youtube, and playing games. My favorite food is fried rice. Now, I am studying at Semarang University, mangement study program. I hope to become a Successful entrepreneur in the future. I think that's all about me. Thank you

                Hi, Guys! How’s your day? I hope we are feeling well. Let me introduce myself, my name is Hanifah Wijayanti Hanarya Putri and you can call me Hanifah. I’m from Semarang. I was born on 19th March 2002 in Palembang. And now I am 18 years old. I am from Semarang and I live in DempelMukti St no. 74, you can visit to my home J. My hobby is watching movie or Korean drama. Oh yeah, I have an idol, he is D.O EXO. I really love him because his voice is so deep *omg and also he can acting, he is the great actor.


                My name is Ina septria Ginting , i was born Saribujandi village , 23 SEPTEMBER 2002 . i am 18 year old now.My hobby is cooking , my goals my to become a succses ful young manager .Now i am studying at the state university of Semarang , majoring management , faculty of economics. So the description from me. Thank you

Assalamualaikumn Wr. Wb.

                My name is Isnain Zahroh, usually called Zahroh. I was born on April 28, 2003. I live in the city of Pati, Central Java. I'm the second child in my family. I have one brother. I live with my father, mother, brother, sister-in-law and nephew. My favorite color is blue. My hobbies are reading, writing and watching movies. Currently I am continuing my education at Semarang State University with a management study program. I hope I can lulu and reach the goals I want. I guess that's all about me. thanks.

                Hello my name is Ipink Anvil Anshinda. You can call me aping,anvil,ipink up to you. I was born at Tegal 31 May 2000. My hobby is playing piano. Since i was little i have liked to play the piano I like things that smell with music. I am an alumni of Senior High School 1 Slawi, one of the favorite high schools in my place. Now I'm studying at Unnes majoring in management. I like things that are social humanity. Later when I graduate, I want my knowledge to be useful for everyone.

                Hi, Let me introduce myself. My name is Izza Azka Kamila but you are can call me Azka everytime. I was born at Central Java Demak,19 June 2001. In 2008 my parents and i migrated to Borneo for spesifically is south kalimantan. I have one younger sister. 

                I finished my studies at South Kalimantan until i'm graduated from senior high school. I graduated from Islamic senior high school Pangeran Antasari. My friends know me as a person who is friendly and sociable. I also like join organization. My hobbies are reading, cooking and writing. Now i starting my own business at churros banjarbaru. And i currently studying at UNNES. Thank's a lot for reading.

                My name is Jangkung Putra Sekti Aji. My call is jangkung. I was born in Semarang, April 17, 2001. I live in Jalan Condro Rejo rt 6 rw 9 no 203, Muktiharjo kidul, pedurungan, semarang timur, Central Java. I am the first child of my family. I have 2 brothers. But my mother had a miscarriage, my brother and my sister are now in grade 1 SMK. My favorite color is gray. I have pets, namely birds and fish. I really like birds namely parrots and their names crested. My hobbies are playing games, listening to music and watching. The subject I don't like is math. I guess that's all about me. Thanks.

                Hello! My name is Khoirul Nissa Dwi Setiana, you can call me Nissa. I am a student at Universitas Negeri Semarang. I come from the city of Boyolali, Central Java. An area close to the slopes of Mount Merapi. It's about 2 hours to reach Semarang by bicycle. I really like listening to songs, and during this pandemic I reallylike caring for plants at home. And I think doing these activities can make use of my spare time to be useful. Besides that, I also like to exercise. My message is always to stay healthy and be enthusiastic about facing the pandemic. 


                 My name is Khoirul Rifai of the economics management department, I was born in Boyolali, 05 Mei 2001. My hobby is adventure to place with natural nuances, such as hiking, camping on the beach or visiting other conservation areas. My goal is to be able to open business opportunities and able to master management science well. Before that,  I went to elementary school MI darululum, then SMP Negeri 2 Ampel, and finally at SMA Negeri 1 Ampel. I am now continuing at semarang state university trought the SMPTN track, and ready to be an UNNES 2020 freshman..

Hello everyone

                My name is Lyvia Bella Ayu Azzahra Barwyzid, my friends and relatives usually call me Bella. I was born in Rantepao January 5, 2002. I am the second of 3 children, my sister is 23 years old and my younger brother is 7 years old. My father's name is Mustofa Ali, he was born in Surakarta. My father works in Tangerang. And my mother named Hasna, she was born in Rantepao and she is a housewife.

                I have a fairly quiet nature but enjoy hanging out and making new friends easily. I'm also a person who is willing to work hard and doesn't give up easily when I fail. Finally, I have a hobby of reading novels especially.


                Hello my name is Laila Witri Kamalia, you can call me laila or lia. I am a student of the Economics Faculty Management Study Program at UNNES. I was born on Desember 10, 2001. I am the second of three childreen. I live in Purwodadi Grobogan with my family. I have a principle of struggling and trying from now to be successful in the future. Never give up !!

                On this occasion, allow me to make an introduction who I am.  Hi my name isMarenda Ichtiarningrum, you can call me Renda. I was born in Semarang,December 12 2001. I am 19 years old. I am from Semarang City. I graduated from the 1stKesatrianHigh School Semarang. My hobby is listening music. I’am also interested in many thing such as movie horror,romance. My favorite food is fried rice and my favorite drink is milk shake and ice tea. I guess that’s all I can say about this introduction. Thank you very much for you attention..

                            Hello, nice to meet you.

              In this beautiful day, i want to introduce my self. My name is Muhammad Bintang Mahardika. Iam the second of three children. I was born in Jepara, August 15th 2002, i live in Brantaksekarjati village, Jepara, Jawa Tengah. My hometown is very beautiful.

              I have many hobbies, i like to traveling, swiming, mountain hiking, and solo riding. I started to like traveling when I was in junior high school. I don’t know why but every i travel i feel so free, and iam very very enjoy it. Then i start to do a Mountain hiking, this is little bit dangerous. I swear when i first time doing this, iam so affraid, because that situation is dark, quiet, and creepy. But at sunrise i was see a beautiful view on top of the mountain. That is very beautiful and mindblowing, i can’t say anything, that is vey beautiful moment. And after that i was really like to mountain hiking. I have a dream to arrive in the top of semeru, THE MAHAMERU, the highest mountain in jawa’s  island. I love snorkeling to, sea was very beautiful to, they have many fish and coral, which that can make you say WOW, because they very beautiful. Trust me that is not dissapointed. Thats is all my hobbies and a little bit story behind that.

              Now i has study in Universitas Negeri Semarang. Iam very proud because can be a part of big family Universitas Negeri Semarang. I hope in this place i will be a great person an will be a useful person especially in my family. I hope this can make my way to succes became clear and easy.

              That is all about me. If you have a question just call me. Allright see you later......... 

Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb

                I am Muhammad Rifky Alfareza. People who already know me usually call me Rifky. I was born in Semarang on August 5, 2001. In 2006 my family and I moved to Magelang. I started kindergarten education in Magelang to be precise in Sumber Agung Village. In 2006-2007, I continued at Mi Ma’arif Sumbersari for 6 years. I continued my junior secondary education at SMP Negeri 2 Secang from 2014-2017 and continued high school education at SMA Negeri 1 Grabag, majoring in Language and Culture from 2017-2020. Determined to continue at State Universities, Alhamdulillah accepted at UNNES.

                   Hello, my name is Muthiah Zahra Khairunnisa, my friends call me Muthi or Muthia. i’m 19 years old. I was born and raised in Bekasi. I’m a college student in University of Semarang, major management. I graduated from senior high school of 1 south Tambun. I’m from a family of 5, my father, my mother, and 2 brothers, i’m the oldest. Actually, i really do have a lot of interests. I love food, music, movies, take photos, hangout with my friends, and travelling. I like watching movies, ispend every single day to watch movies in Netflix. Genre movies i usually watch is adventure, drama and romance.

                 I love music very much. Music is my best friend and my meditation when i got tired and burnout because working or studying full day. I love taking photos the attractive things that i found also taking photos of myself, i like taking selfie because it really helps to boost my confidence and reduce insecurities. One of my dreams is travelling all around the world with my loved ones. I really enjoy travelling because i have always love meeting new people and learning about new cultures, and i like exploring new things.

                My name is Nadhifatul Kholifah. You can call me Kholif. I was born on 17th October 2002 in Grobogan. I live in Tegowanu, Grobogan. I’m seventeen years old. I’m a college student of UNNES at Semarang, Jawa Tengah. My favorite subject are english and sains. I like english very much, i don’t know why, but i like learn new thing. It’s interesting for me, i wanna know more about grammar, the pronouncation, etc. Because english is also an International language. So we have to know how to speak in  english. As for hobbies, i’m really into music and song. My favorite song is Someone You Loved by Lewis Capaldi. My blood type is O. Because my parents is blood type is also O. My ideas, i wanna be someone who can be useful for everyone.

            My name is Nahdia Rahma Putri. I was born on May 24, 2002. I live at Jalan Skahayan No. 61, Bengkulu. I am the fourth child in my family. I have 3 siblings, 2 brothers and 1 sister. My favorite colors are blue and pink. I really like traveling. My hobbies are exploring places that I have never been to, swimming, cooking, and playing games. In the past, I liked English lessons since I was a child, but when I was in elementary school I only studied English until grade 3, because there was no English subject teacher. therefore junior high school I am weak learning English I think it's all about me. thanks.

                On this occasion, allow me to make an introduction who l am. My name is Nasma Putri Nuraini,you can call me Nasma.I was born in Wonogiri,April 07th 2002 so I am 18 years old.Iam from Semarang.I graduated from MA NU AL Hikmah Polman Mijen Semarang.My hobbies include painting and read books. I’m also interested in many thing such as movies and social activites. I guess that’s all I can say about this introduction. Thank you very much for you attention.


                I am Nasya Maulidya Dewanti, usually called Nasya or Nasihehehe my familiar friends often call it that way.I come from Temanggung.My date of birth 27 Juni 2002.I am 18 years old.I am the first of two siblings, my sister is a women.I’m the quiet type, but I always try to be active and mingle with many people.

                I always learn to be confident when in a crow. Because I believe in myself, there are still many abilities that I have to develop and and I can’t do it alone.I hope that at UNNES I can develop my speaking skills, be easier to socialize and have more confidence.

Hello guys…..

                My name is Natasya Putri Salsabila, you can call me Salsa. I’m from Rembang, an area on the northern coast and it is about 3 hours from Semarang by bus or car. I’m a student and I’m excited to study and discuss management, and entrepreneurship. In the face of this new situation, I need to adapt to the changes. Let’s be positive in any situation. Do your best and be the best.


                I am Nini Mardani Nofriani Puspita Sari, familiarly called Nini. I was born in Bengklulu on November 11, 2002, I am currently 17 years old. Started studying at UNNES majoring in Management in 2020. I like economics, so I entered the faculty of economics.   

                I'm the type who is shy and difficult to socialize. But if you already know, I'm a really cool person J. I live in Padang Harapan RT 03 / RW 01, Kel. Padang Harapan, Kec. Gading Cempaka, Bengkulu City. My hobby is playing volleyball sometimes if I like the plot I like watching dramas.

Thanks. J

hi, my name is Nur Syafiq Mufidin, you can call me Syafiq. I was born in Purbalingga, on May 31, 2002. I have 2 siblings. I live in Jatisaba Village, Purbalingga Regency. I started school at SDN 1 Jatisaba for 6 years, then continued at SMPN 3 Purbalingga for 3 years and SMKN 1 Purbalingga majoring in Marketing for 3 years. Now I am a student at Semarang State University in the Faculty of Economics, Department of Management.

My hobby is graphic design, I open graphic design services to add to my hobby knowledge as well as additional income for me. I also like to sell, this is because my parents trade. I started as a hobby of trading since junior high school, then I entered the marketing department and continued my studies in management so that my trading knowledge was sharper and useful.

                I'm Raffi Hemas Anggoro, known with an idealistic and visionary child. All plans for the future have begun to set in accordance with the priorities of what I will bring to pass. From learning to think critically to solve a problem, to learn about business or economic matters, and how to prepare for an exchange of students overseas. The struggle began from the moment I was declared the current student University of Semarang State. This opportunity will not be wasted considering it is not easy to be in position now.

                 In addition to the academic plan, I also have a nonacademic plan. Becoming an activist at the university that will no doubt be socially connected and committed community service was not without my plans. I feel that there is a desire to help Indonesia for better direction both to help education and to set up a startup that will open a wide field of work for the community. Surely with great vigor and determination, I am sure this dream will come true.

                Hello, my name is Ratry Aidha Febriani. Usally people call me ACI because I am used to being called Aci by my family and my close friend.I was born in Magelang, February 22, 2002. I come from the city of Magelang, Central Java. From primary scholl to junior high scholl I studied in Magelang, when I entred high school I moved to Bekasi. In Bekasi I live with my second sister. I am the 4th child of 4 siblings, my two sister and one brother have graduated from collage and are already working, I want to be a child who used to make my parents and my family happy when I was studying at Semarang University.

                My name is Rezky Rahayu. My friends usually call me Kiky. I was born in Purbalingga, January 16, 2002. I am the second of two siblings and now I live in the Purbalingga area. My hobby is watching movies. I watch movies to fill my spare time. My goal is to become a manager in a large company. Blue is my favorite color. One of my favorite places is the beach. It feels like when I look at the wide blue sea and hear the sound of the roaring waves, my mood will calm down and any heavy thoughts that are being felt can diminish.

            My name is Salsabila Novia Putri. You can call me Salsa. I am 18 years old. I was born in Semarang, November 15th 2001. My address is Aspol kalisari number 7, south Semarang. Currently, I am studying in a reputable University in Semarang. My hobby is listening to music, I like basketball and want to have many friends in the unnes.


                Hello! My name is Sekar Ayu Putri Prameswari, you can call me Sekar. I was born in Purwokerto, 08 February 2002. Now, my age is 18th. I live on Raden Arya Wiryaaatmadja Street, Purwokerto. My hobbies are bicycling; make some foods; reading a poems when its rain; and listening music. Now, i’m in the first semester at Semarang State University. I want to be a hotel manager or a manager in some company. And I want to be an entrepreneur, too. I think that’s all about me. Thank you

                Hello Everybody, my name is Septi Nur Fadilah, and you can call me Dila. I was born in Cilacap on September 9th 2002. I live in Cilacap.  now i am a student at unnes. department of management, faculty of economics. My hobbies are drawing, listening to music, and singing. I am the first child of two siblings. my mother is a housewife and my father is a tailor, and my goal is to become a successful entrepreneur.

          I'm a cheerful person. I'm the type of person who doesn't talk much if I don't know someone. I have a shy nature which is actually very annoying in everything, but I will train my confidence because I am not a person who easily gives up


                Hello my name is Shofiyah ‘Ulaa Laathi’fah. My nickname is Shofi. I was born on May 18 2002 in Sukoharjo. I live at Dukuh, Sukoharjo with my parents and my sister. I love reading fiction books and my favourite book is “Pasung Jiwa” by okky madasari. I also love drawing with my pencil and watercolor. Because when I drawing or reading, I can activating my imagination and that’s very amazing for me. I feel like I’m alive in the another world. That’s all about me and thank you

Hallo guys........

            My name is Sintya Cahya Nengrum. My family ussually call me Tya, but my friend ussually call me Sintya. I was born on june 21, 2001 in Pringapus, Semarang districts, Central Java, Indonesia. I live in Kertosari village, Semarang districts. So, because i live in village i can see beautiful view everyday. I can see fields, mountains, and river. i am really love my village. I have a awesome parents. They always to be my support system. And my lovely best friend is my cat Toto.

            I am a introvert person. But i can’t life without someone else. Its looks weird maybe, because I was excited for social events and have interact with public. Even though i was a sheepish person.  Its hard to me to make a friend. I am afraid to saying hello with new friend, so that i don’t have many friend.I am so obsessed with someone who has a high science and humble, and i want to be like them. Know, I want to change my self. I will looking for my new friend and found my bestie in this university

Assalamualaikum friends… My name is Syadad Hilmi Maula As-shiddiqy,people call me Syadad,some call Hilmi.I was born in Jepara on August 18, 2002, Now…I was 18 years and was studying at Semarang State University in the department of Management.My home address in langon village 05/03 Tahunan sub-district, Jepara district.The thing I love is sports, learning, music and playing games.I like knowledge, like social as well. I have a goal of wanting to be a businessman in order to help others because it seems like my social soul is quite high. I've been a shy person all this time, but from now on I want to be  even better. I like to be friends, especially if the person who has an attitude because for me the friend is very special and has meaning. So much and thank you.

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

My name is Syaiful Budi Prasetyo, Can be called Syaiful. I was born on September 12, 2001. I am 19 years old. I live on Jalan Menoreh Raya No. 27 Semarang. I am the second child in my family. I have 1 sister. My favorite colors are Blue and Black. My favorite food is fried rice and my favorite drink is coffee. I really like traveling. My hobby is Futsal. In the past, my favorite subject was sports because exercise makes the body healthy and not stressful. I think it's all about me. thanks.

                Hello my name Tika Mersanda. You can call me Tika. I was born on 3 Okt 2001. I from Lampung, I have graduated from SMAN 1 BANGUNREJO, now I am learning from UNNES Faculty Of Economics.Studying at UNNES is an extraordinary experience, very different from high school.  I hope I can graduate with goog grades and can be pround of both parents.

                    I live with my father, mother and older brother. my favorite color is red and my favorite food is fried rice, i like the beach. floated by the famous beach namely Klara beach, Mutun, white sand and many more


                My name is Tri Prasetyo Adam Kurniawan  ,you can call me Adam,I am come from Wonosobo,a cool and comfortabel city.I am a graduate of  one the favorite private high scoll in Wonosobo ,than I continued my education at UNNES majoring in management, why didI choose in management?,because I think this management major is may first step in realizing my dreams of becoming an enterpreneur.Even though we are currently in a pandemic like now, we  must keep our time productiv and we have to improve our abilities so we can compete in this 4.0 era.

                My name is Veronika Erika Moniung, I’m 18 y,o. I was born in Manado, March 09 2002. I live in Kartini Ujung, Street, Timika.I Have long black hair, oval face, black eyes, fat body, olive skin, and I have a mole on the left cheek.

                I am the First child in my family. I have 2 siblings, 1brothers, and 1 sisters. I’m From Manado City.My favorite color is Blue. I have two Dog’s in my home. Their names are Helly and Brown. My hobbies are reading, Travelling, and make up.

    I’m Graduated from Smirna Primary School,YPPK ST. BERNARDUS Junior high School, Vocational School state Langowan City. I continued my education at Semarang state University. My goal is to become an entrepreneur and a lecturer

                My name is Zilan Fikri of the economics management department. I was born in jakarta, 23 october 2002, where eating and sleeping made me a hobby. My goal was small as an engineer, but Since i joined social major in management and became a manager. Before I went to elementary school at SDN district 06, Al ijtihad junior high, 109 pgri high school and moved to school indonesia of jeddah until I finished. I am now continuing at semarang state university through the snmptn track, and ready to be an unnes 2020 freshman.


1. Adnan Wirayudha                            7311420021 2. Nini Mardani Nofriani Puspita Sari 7311420025 3. Afifah Nurulita Sari           ...