Sunday, December 20, 2020


1. Adnan Wirayudha                            7311420021

2. Nini Mardani Nofriani Puspita Sari 7311420025

3. Afifah Nurulita Sari                         7311420248

4. Nasma Putri Nuraini                        7311420249

Borobudur Temple


    Borobudur is a Buddhist temple. Borobudur temple was built in the 9th century under the leadership of the Syailendra Dynasty from the ancient Mataram kingdom. Borobudur Temple is located in Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia. This building is considered the largest temple in the world. Borobudur Temple is one of the destinations for domestic and foreign tourists, even Borobudur Temple has been registered with UNESCO as a world heritage site.


     Borobudur is the largest Buddhist temple or temple in the world and one of the largest Buddhist monuments in the world. According to historical evidence, Borobudur was abandoned in the 14th century as the weakening influence of Hindu and Buddhist kingdoms in Java and the entry of Islamic influence. This monument is a model universe that was built as a holy place to glorify Buddha and function as a place of pilgrimage according to Buddha's teachings. Borobudur is still used as a place of religious pilgrimage every year Buddhists who come from all over Indonesia and abroad gather at Borobudur to commemorate the Trisuci Waisak. In the world of tourism, Borobudur is the single most visited tourist attraction in Indonesia and is recognized by the world as a world wonder.

Online Learning is Negative for Students

        Online / distance learning is an unavoidable path in the conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic. Unfortunately distance / online learning does not work well in its implementation. Why did it happen? There are several main reasons for this. 

         Communication technology infrastructure in Indonesia is still uneven. Let alone on a small island, on the island of Java, which has the largest population, there are still many areas that have not been exposed to internet signals. 
Then, if an internet signal is available the cost is not cheap. Learning via video conferencing costs a lot of credit in just one to two hours of lessons. 1-2 Gigabytes of data can easily be used up in one video conference call for distance learning. 
        Furthermore, not all students and their families have a smartphone that must be used to carry out distance learning. This is very tragic and unfortunate because the government seems to pay less attention to the fate of families who cannot afford to buy smartphones. 
        When a family can afford the necessary devices or communication devices, parents may not be able to help students learn online. It's not a matter of parents' main competence, but parents also have work to do, especially during a pandemic which affects everyone's economic situation. 
        Many students also complain that distance learning makes their concentration dissolve and they don't focus on learning. The knowledge gained was not comparable to face-to-face learning. 
        Many teachers complained about technical problems that occurred when participating in distance learning. These constraints include technical use of applications (failed uploads, unsent email) and technical information technology such as weak signals, error devices, etc. 
        Finally, schools also lack preparation for distance learning. This is only natural, because the pandemic occurs suddenly and affects all industrial sectors without exception schools. 
         In the end, the Covid-19 pandemic is a disaster that of course we all don't want it to happen. However, this has happened and it needs the government's attention, the awareness of all the education community, both schools, students, teachers, and parents to contribute to the success of distance learning activities. We must stop blaming each other and work hand in hand in solving distance education problems.

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1. Adnan Wirayudha                            7311420021 2. Nini Mardani Nofriani Puspita Sari 7311420025 3. Afifah Nurulita Sari           ...