Sunday, December 20, 2020


Group     : 1

Member :

1). ANISA SULISTYOWATI (7311420144)

2). FEBRI AYU WULANDARI (7311420252)



6). RATRY AIDHA FEBRIANI (7311420264)


Borobudur Temple

Borobudur Temple is a famous nineteenth century Mahayana Buddhist Temple located in Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia. The monument consists of a six-square, nine stacked platforms, and 3 buildings, topped by a central dome. This temple is decorated with 2,672 relief panels and 504 Buddha statues. The central dome is circled by 72 Buddha statues, each seated inside a perforated stupa. It is the largest Buddhist temple in the world. 


K-Pop Culture is Bad for Indonesian Teenagers

            Korean Pop or commonly known as K-Pop is a South Korean music industry that is synonymous with groups consisting of many members, their music and dance are energetic. K-Pop is a boy band nickname from Korea which is booming among teenagers, especially women. With the advent of K-Pop in the world of music in Asia, many teenagers idolize idols from the Gingseng Country more than choosing domestic culture. This of course has its own impact on them. In our opinion, K-Pop culture is bad for Indonesian young generations. Here are the reasons :

          Firstly, K-Pop can cause students to imitate or imitate behavior such as imitating hairstyles, hair colors, fashion styles, make-up and many more. Foreign culture also has things that are not even in accordance with Indonesian culture, for example many female K-Pop Korean idols who dress openly like wearing mini skirts, Indonesian teenagers will imitate the same dress style as them. It is not suitable if used in Indonesia because it is not in accordance with Indonesian culture and opposes the values ​​and norms that apply in society. This makes Indonesian teenagers forget their native culture, because they are too focused on imitating the culture from Korea.

         Secondly, K-Pop makes students wasteful, consumptive, and hedonistic. Often students listen to songs, watch, stream performances, dramas, shows, talk shows about K-Pop, of course, will result in students wasting their quota and are willing to spend hours doing this. This of course will be very dangerous for his health. In fact, not a few of them are willing to buy K-Pop merchandise, albums, posters, photocards, and other things related to K-Pop at relatively expensive prices of up to hundreds of millions. Not only that, they also have the desire to watch their idol concerts because they want to meet them in person so they are willing to drain their pocket money and savings for this.

          Therefore, it can be concluded that K-Pop can have a bad impact on Indonesian teenagers.



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