Sunday, December 20, 2020


GROUP     : 8

MEMBER     : 

1.      Septi Nur Fadilah (7311420029)

2.      Tika Mersanda (7311420030)

3.      Fanesa Suthianto (7311420039)

4.      Hanifah Wijayanti Hanarya Putri (7311420159) 


Sam Poo Kong Temple



            Sam Poo Kong Temple is a oldest Chinese temple which is located Semarang, capital of the province of Central Java. The building covers an zona of 1, 020 square meters and is influenced by both Chinese and Javanese 14th century architectural styles. The temple is painted with a magnificent red color and crowned with a triple- layered pagoda- style roof, typical of East Asian culture. The temple foundations were first built by Admiral Cheng Ho, elsewhere better known as Admiral Zheng He, a muslim explorer from Mainland China. Because in 1704 the original temple and cave collapsed in a landslide, the local community rebuilt it 20 years later in a different location, closer to the city center and further from areas prone to decay by natural elements, it functions both as a place of worship, and a shrine honoring Cheng Ho for his services to the community.


Face-to face learning at schools should (not) be held in 2021 

    Opening face-to-face schools in the midst of a pandemic is very risky for childrens and teachers, because they will be more easily exposed to the Covid-19 virus.Face-to-face schools during a pandemic need extra vigilance. New cases will appear scattered throughout the school cluster if they do not strictly adhere to health protocols. I think, face-to-face school in January 2021 is very unrealistic at this time of the pandemic. Here are the reasons;

    Firstly, if face-to-face is held in January no one can guarantee the child or free students not contracting Covid 19 when face-to-face school is done. Many adults have obeyed the health protocol such as washing hands, wearing a mask, using a hand sanitizer, it was still exposed to the virus. It does not rule out the possibility of a new face-to-face school running one week the number of positive covid clusters increases.

    Secondly, there has been no breakthrough in handling and new discoveriesUntil now, there have been no major breakthroughs, such as vaccines or signs that the virus will weaken.Conversely, if the Covid-19 case explodes, the risk is very high. Hospitals will be full and medical personnel will be increasingly depleted, even feared that they will be less. IDI itself rejects the policy of face-to-face school admission in January 2021.

 Thus; face-to-face schools should be held in January 2021 until a vaccine is found or signs the virus will weaken

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1. Adnan Wirayudha                            7311420021 2. Nini Mardani Nofriani Puspita Sari 7311420025 3. Afifah Nurulita Sari           ...