Saturday, December 19, 2020



GROUP           : 9


MEMBERS     : 1. Dina Carlinna                   (7311420032)

2. Veronika Erika M.            (7311420040)

3. Feri Kurniawan                 (7311420152)

4. Adi Gunadarma I.             (7311420255)



New York City

New York City is considered to be the most populous city in United States, even the landmarks in New York City are known all the world. There is the famous Statuate of Liberty, Brooklyn Bridge, the sky scrapers, and the World Trade Center, now called Ground Zero. In Manhattan’s, where one of the areas in New York City there is a famous landmarks called Times Square. Different kinds of lights illuminate the area where people are. Other than that, you can buy anything at anytime during the day or night because the shops never close.



Zoning System Better Not Enforced

The zoning system is one of the programs created by the government to prioritize students who have the closest distance to their domicile. This program received many reactions from the public. There are those who agree with this program on the grounds of equal justice in terms of education and there are those who disagree with the reason that students have the right to choose the school they want anywhere, either outside the city or outside the province where they live. In addition, many schools grumble about students' declining academic grades. The decline in academic scores at favorite schools is always related to the zoning system implemented by the government. According to our, seen from the many public reactions about this zoning system program, it is better if this program is not implemented for the following reasons :

Firstly, students who excel no longer have challenges like before. Because the teacher adjusts the learning process so that all students can follow it, those who excel will lack motivation due to reduced learning challenges. And it could also be that the difference in the speed of the comprehension in understanding the material makes students lag behind the material a little more slowly than other students.

The second reason is that the number of parents who falsified data related to their residential address. Not only residential address, there is also a falsification of the Surat Keterangan Tidak Mampu (SKTM) because by having proof of an SKTM, students will be subject to tuition fee exemption. In fact, people actually take advantage of the weak control over the provision of SKTM. This has resulted in many fake SKTMs circulating. Many are actually well off but obtain SKTM and receive tuition fee exemptions.

Additionally, the zoning system has the effect of narrowing students' choices to choose a school due to the distance between the school and the house. Given that there is not an even distribution of schools across regions, this has become a concern for some parents. They suggested that the government conduct school distribution first before deciding to implement a zoning system like this. Therefore, we sincerely hope that the school registration zoning system can be re-evaluated based on existing considerations. Hopefully the government can find the best solution or solution for the advancement of education in Indonesia.

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