Saturday, November 7, 2020




-  ZILAN FIKRI                              ( 7311420024 )

-  ADNAN WIRAYUDHA             ( 7311420021 )

-  IZZA AZKA KAMILA                ( 7311420329 )

-  ADE WAHYU ALFACHDI          ( 7311420023 )

-  NUR SYAFIQ MUFIDIN             ( 7311420022 )






On December 10, 1957, the company changed its name to PT Perusahaan Minyak Nasional, abbreviated to PERMINA. This date is  celebrated as the birth of Pertamina to date. In 1960, PT Permina changed its status to Permina State Company (PN). Then, PN Permina joined PN Pertamin to become PN Mining Oil and Gas Negara (Pertamina) on August 20, 1968.


Furthermore, through Law No.8 of 1971, the government regulated the role of Pertamina to produce and process oil and gas from oil fields and provide fuel and gas needs in Indonesia. Then through Law No.22 of 2001, the government changed Pertamina's position so that the implementation of the Public Service Obligation (PSO) was carried out through business activities.


 Based on Government Regulation No.31 of 2003 dated 18 June 2003, the State Oil and Gas Mining Company changed its name to PT Pertamina (Persero) which carried out oil and gas business activities in the Upstream Sector to the Downstream Sector. On December 10, 2005, Pertamina changed the seahorse emblem into an arrow with green, blue, and red basic colors that reflect dynamic elements and environmental concerns.


On July 20, 2006, PT Pertamina (Persero) carried out a fundamental transformation and the Company's business. PT Pertamina (Persero) changed the Company's vision, namely, "To become a World Class National Oil Company" on December 10, 2007. Then in 2011, Pertamina perfected its vision, namely "To become a World Class National Energy Company". Through the EGMS held on 19 July 2012, Pertamina increased the issued / paid-up capital and expanded the Company's business activities.


On 14 December 2015, the Minister of BUMN as the GMS approved the amendments to Pertamina's Articles of Association in terms of optimizing the use of resources, increasing the issued and subscribed capital by the state as well as actions of the Board of Directors that require written approval from the Board of Commissioners. This change has been stated in Deed No.10 dated January 11, 2016, Notary Lenny Janis Ishak, SH.


On 24 November 2016, the Minister of BUMN as the GMS in accordance with the Decree of BUMN No. S-690 / MBU / 11/2016, approved amendments to Pertamina's Articles of Association related to the composition of the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners, authority on behalf of the President Director, division of duties and powers of the Board of Directors, attendance of the President Director and Board of Commissioners meetings.



President Director PT Pertamina
CEO of Upstream Subholding
(PT Pertamina Hulu Energi)

CEO of Upstream Subholding (PT Pertamina Hulu Energi) held by Budiman Parhusip.

2. CEO Refinery & Petrochemical Subholding (PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional) Ignatius Tallulembang accompanied by Deputy CEO Budi Syarif Santoso. 3. CEO Power & NRE Subholding (PT Pertamina Power Indonesia) Heru Setiawan. 4. CEO Commercial & Trading Subholding (PT Patra Niaga) Mas'ud Khamid.

5. CEO Shipping Company (PT Pertamina International Shipping PIS) Erry Widiastono.

As for the line of directors of PT Pertamina (Persero) who currently serve among others:

 1. President Director, Nicke Widyawati

2. Director of Business Support, M Haryo Yunianto

3. Director of Finance, Emma Sri Martini

4. Director of Human Resources, Koeshartanto

5. Director of Logistics & Infrastructure, Mulyono

6. Director of Strategic, Portfolio and Business Development, Iman Rachman

President Director

Duties and Authorities:

1. Coordinating and controlling activities in the fields of financial administration, officialdom and secretarial affairs.

2. Coordinating and controlling procurement activities and equipment equipment.

3. Plan and develop other resources as well as expenditure and company wealth.

4. In processing duties and responsibilities for the President Director. ~~ 5. Leading the entire board or executive committee.

6. Challenges and audiences at the highest level (Usually working with MD or CEO).

7. Leading General Meeting.

8. Acting as a representative in the world with the outside world.

9. Playing a major part in determining the composition of the board and sub-committees, Zeer achieves alignment and strategy.

Deputy Director

Duties of deputy director:

1. Represent the company inside and outside the organization.

2. Develop and evaluate company goals and plans. 3. Manage company wealth.

4. Supervise and evaluate the running of the company.

5. Supervise me the activities and performance of top level employees.

Internal Supervision Unit (SPI)

Duties and Responsibilities of SPI:

1. Create strategies, policies, and plans for monitoring activities.

2. Monitor the overall objectives and supervisory strategy and conduct regular reviews. 3. Ensuring that the Company's internal control system works effectively including carrying out activities that can be used for irregularities and conducting periodic assessments of the system.

4. Carry out the supervisory function in all activities.

5. Conduct an audit to encourage the creation of Fulfill both employees and Company management to the prevailing relationship-by-law regulations.

6. Perform special audits to uncover cases that have indications of abuse of power, embezzlement, fraud, and fraud.

7. Provide the necessary improvement suggestions and objective information about the activity audited to all show management. 8. Provide consultation to all levels of management regarding efforts to increase the effectiveness of internal control, increase efficiency, risk management, and other activities.

9. Determination of GCG within the Company. ~~ 10. Submit data, information and analysis for the submission of reports from Directors to Commissioners.

11. Report all results of monitoring activities.

Corporate Secretary Duties and Responsibilities:

1. Preparing for the holding of the GMS.

2. Board of Commissioners Meetings and Board of Commissioners Meetings. 3. Manage and maintain documents including GMS documents, minutes of the Board of Directors, minutes of joint meetings between Directors and commissioners, and other important Company documents.

4. Noting that PT KHUSUS is related to the Board of Directors and their families as well as the Commissioners and their families, both in the company and its affiliates, which includes share ownership, business relationships and other roles. Reports on the implementation of duties and responsibilities to the President Director periodically.

5. Gather important information for the Company from each work unit.

6. determine the criteria for information and information that can be shared with holders, including information that can be submitted as public documents.

7. Ensure that the Company's Annual Report includes the implementation of GCG within the Company.

Head of Corporate Law Duties and responsibilities:

1. Ensure that the entire design, manufacture and implementation of various centralized custodial services: Operational regulations as well as official agreements applied by the Company are carried out in accordance with the correct standards and rules and in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. decisions, implementing policies, handling cases with customers, all divisions in KSEI, rules, procedures and regulations in accordance with the prevailing laws and regulations.

3. Company Dispute Resolution Handling: handle KSEI's dispute settlement with third parties by ensuring that this Company has the ownership rights and complete documents for dispute resolution in accordance with the prevailing laws and regulations.

4. Coordinating in managing Regulatory documents: managing documents related to laws and regulations such as regulations and procedures for central custodial services, agreements with account holders, and is also responsible for share administration, shareholder registries and company documents other.

Head of LNG Business Unit

Head of LNG Business Division in charge of: LNG Market Development Manager, LNG Sales Manager, LNG Transportation Manager, LNG Plant Operations Manager.

Upstream Director

The Upstream Director is in charge of: Deputy Director for Planning and Evaluation, Deputy Director for Business Development and General Manager for Upstream Activities, while for the Legal Consultant and Secretariat the Upstream Directorate is directly responsible for the Upstream Director.

Processing Director Duties of Processing Director:

1. Lead all activities and planning of treatment and distribution, maintenance of sources and air distribution.

2. Regret the work plan of each division under it and decide in its field.

3. Give decisions to solve principal problems in their field.

4. Planning, coordination and supervision of activities from the Production, Maintenance, Transmission&Distribution,Engineering Planning&Evaluation. 

5. Preparation of planning and designing work to be carried out, preparation of work plans and implementation.

6. Supervision of the construction and repair of piping under local agencies.

7. Regulation and supervision of air distribution, approval of installation / closure of air subscribers.

8. Make all activities in the sections listed below and discuss various problems in the field of distribution , new connections and so on in accordance with the company's development and capabilities.

9. Maintaining good relations with industry and development, private companies and local and central government agencies, general meetings that pay attention to their fields. 10. Carry out other functions that assign the President Director.

11. Make a report on the results of the implementation of tasks for superiors.

12. Carry out other official duties according to orders from superiors.

General Director

Duties & Authorities of the General Director:

1. Coordinating and controlling activities in the areas of financial administration, personnel and secretarial affairs.

2. Coordinating and controlling procurement activities and equipment equipment.

3. Plan and develop other resources as well as expenditure and company wealth.

4. Invites money, billing results from the air from the subscription.

5. Carry out the tasks assigned by the President Director.

6. In processing duties and responsibilities for the President Director.

Marketing and Commerce Director

Duties and Authorities  

Planning tasks:

1. Planning for the development of an integrated marketing strategy for production and processing it efficiently with due regard to company resources.

2. Prepare a planner for a work program for the short and long term to support the implementation of goals.

3. Plan and budget Benefits / marketing as efficiently as possible with superiors superiors. 4. Development and development of human resources in its division, by cooperating with resources. Implementation tasks:

1. Working with other departments to support the smooth running of the work process in the company.

2. Establish good relationships and cooperation with consumers.

3. Perform analysis applicable in Marketing as material for process 

4. Perform analysis of market conditions and dudukuasi including competitor analysis.

5. Determine the selling price calculation as a benchmark for the price offered to the market / customer.

6. Developing Work Procedures and Instructions for the Marketing Department helps smooth the process of the division.

7. Submit work reports to Marketing Manager for evaluation and analysis. 8. Coordinating with the PPIC and Production Section regarding planning, translating processes and production results.

9. Do it with the related part for smooth support of the way of working in the Section.

Supervision tasks:

1. Supervise and process the marketing process. 

2. Doing marketing in the Marketing Department. Can work according to company regulations. 

3. Supervise the discipline of work and order of subordinates both operational and unable to work in accordance with the duties and responsibilities of the Marketing department.

4. Supervise and control the execution of a 5 R (Compact, Neat, Clean, Careful, Diligent) in the Marketing Department work environment.

5. Carry out other tasks ordered by superiors. ~~ 6. Monitor the smooth process of sending goods.

Human Resources Director

Duties of Human Resources Director:

1. Plan, develop and implement strategies in the field of human resource management and development.

2. Monitor, measure and report problems, opportunities, development plans related to human resources and achievements in time scale and agreed form / format.

3. Set up and develop staff directly.

4. Manage and control human resource expenditure per department within approved budgets.

5. Acts as a liaison with other functional managers / department managers in order to understand all aspects needed in human resource development, and to make sure they have information.

6. Knowledge and knowledge of human resource development theories that are appropriate to the times and methods and provide a reasonable interpretation for the paradigm, managers and staff in the organization. 7. Role in the evaluation and development of human resources and performance strategies in the implementation of these strategies, by working with the executive team.

8. Ensure that each activity has a red thread and is integrated with the organization's requirements.

9. Carry out the responsibilities of a senior director / Board of Directors (BOD).

Duties and responsibilities of the Director of Finance are:

1. Short-term and long-term plans and short-term estimates approved in the meeting of the Director General.

2. Oversee all issues related to the smooth provision of funds and all company funds.

3. Oversee the allocation of available funds to suit needs assessments, and make decisions in the transfer of necessary funds.

·       PRODUCTS

Pertamina gas stations provide several types of fuel:

Gasoline powered fuel

1.) Pertamax Racing

It is a vehicle fuel that is recognized by the international racing federation, making the engine more responsive, more stable, and has high durability, and is friendly to the environment. Pertamax Racing has a minimum octane of 100 which is specifically intended for racing vehicles and vehicles with engine compression higher than 13: 1.

2.) Pertamax Turbo

Is a fuel for gasoline-engined vehicles developed jointly between Pertamina and Lamborghini which is designed to meet the requirements of high-tech engines. Pertamax Turbo was first launched in Belgium as official fuel on the Lamborghini Supertrofeo European Series on July 29, 2016.


Is a gasoline fuel with an octane number of at least 92 international standards. Pertamax is highly recommended for use in vehicles with a compression ratio of 10: 1 to 11: 1 or petrol-fueled vehicles that use technology equivalent to Electronic Fuel Injection (EFI).

4.) Pertalite

It is gasoline which has an octane number of 90 and is bright green and clear and is very suitable for use by vehicles with a compression of 9: 1 to 10: 1. Pertalite fuel has a higher octane number than Premium 88 fuel, making it more appropriate for gasoline-engined vehicles currently circulating in Indonesia. With additional additives, Pertalite is able to cover further distances while ensuring quality and affordable prices.

5.) Premium

Is a gasoline engine fuel with a minimum octane number of 88 produced in accordance with the Decree of the Directorate General of Oil and Gas Np.3674 / K24 / DJM / 2006 dated March 17, 2006 concerning Specifications for Fuel Type 88 Gasoline.Premium can be used on gasoline motorized vehicles with low compression risk (below 9: 1).

6.) Pertamina Dex

Is the best diesel fuel that can make engine performance more optimal, tough, and powerful. Pertamina Dex is equipped with lubricity and foaming of gas.

7.) Dexlite

This is the latest diesel fuel variant from Pertamina which was launched on April 15, 2016. Dexlite, the newest member of the Dex Series, has a cetane number of at least 51 and contains a maximum sulfur of 1200 ppm. Dexlite is perfect for those of you who want powerful diesel fuel for your diesel car but at an affordable price.

8.) Solar

Is a diesel fuel with a cetane number of 48 suitable for diesel-engined vehicles with old technology with a sulfur content of 2500 ppm. Generally, these vehicles are used for public transportation such as buses in cities. For private diesel-fueled vehicles, Dexlite and Pertamina Dex products can be used.



In the marketing sector, Pertamina engages in marketing, trading and distribution of various types of products such as fuel oil (BBM), lubricants, LPG, petrochemical products and other non-fuel products for the domestic and foreign markets.

Corporate Marketing sells petroleum products in the industrial sector, aviation, shipping, and other non-fuel products such as asphalt and petrochemical products for the industrial sector.

Currently Pertamina's BBM consumers in the industrial and marine sectors reach more than thousands of consumers and are spread throughout all regions in Indonesia. Some of our main customers are PT. PLN (Persero), TNI / POLRI, Mining Industry, Steel Industry, Paper Industry, Food Industry, Cement Industry, Fertilizer Industry, Cooperation Contract Contractors, water transportation and other industries

In the marine sector, we focus on increasing sales volume. And expand the area and location of Pertamina's BBM services in all important ports in Indonesia.

The main advantage of Pertamina's BBM is the guaranteed availability and supply of BBM. Pertamina has an extensive network in all regions and remote areas in Indonesia supported by 7 refineries owned by Pertamina as well as foreign sources, complete fuel transportation facilities and infrastructure, as well as more than 120 Depot locations, Transit Terminals and Installations spread throughout Indonesia. . The quality of fuel products and the quality and quantity of services that are guaranteed and meet international standards.

In the Marketing sector, it is supported by reliable infrastructure ranging from fuel tanker trucks, skid tanks, depots, ports to ships. Thus, energy is distributed throughout Indonesia smoothly.


·      FUN FACTS

1. Pertamina was formerly a state oil and gas mining company.

2. Pertamina never had the monopoly of the establishment of gas station in indonesia, but that monopoly has been removed by the government in 2001.

3. This company also operates 7 oil refiners with a total capacity of 1,051.7 MBSD, a petrochemical factory with a total capacity of 1,507,950 tons per year and an lpg factory with a total capacity of 102.3 million tons per year.

4. Pertamina is a combination of the company pertamin and permina was established on 10 december 1957.

5. Pertamina's activities in ordering energy and petrochemical businesses, divided into upstream and downstream sectors, and are supported by the activities of subsidiary companies and parent companies

6. In 2013, pertamina was ranked of the world's 500 best company global fortune version.

7. Producing oil fuel, that are: biopertamax, pertamax, pertamax plus, pertalite, biopremium, premium, solar, biosolar, petaminadex.

8. Producing gas: elpiji, gas fuel (bbg), vigas, lpg, cng, musicool

9. Producing lubricants: fastron, prima xp, mesran super, 2t enviro, enduro 4t, meditran, rored.

10. PT pertamina in oil and natural gas including: exploration, exploitation and sales of oil and natural gas production from exploitation activities.

11. PT pertamina retail - retail SPBU, trade fuel and fuel transport services.

12. RFID is a special card for corporate customers, ATM at PT pertamina. Pertamina retail that uses frequency radio technology as an identification tool. RFID card can be used as a non-cash payment media for corporate customers of PT Pertamina retail.

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1. Adnan Wirayudha                            7311420021 2. Nini Mardani Nofriani Puspita Sari 7311420025 3. Afifah Nurulita Sari           ...