Saturday, November 7, 2020




A.History of sidomuncul

I want to ask you, which of you likes to drink herbal medicine?

When you are dizzy, have chills, motion sickness, you will definitely seek to tolak angin. Tolak angin is a herbal formulated in such a way that it tastes good on our tongue. Tolak angin is produced by a herbal medicine company based in Semarang called PT SIDOMUNCUL. Sidomuncul company is very familiar with the figure of Mr. Irwan Hidayat, as the president director. Since 1973, he has been involved in the ups and downs of the company. let's see the success stories of SIDOMUNCUL and Mr. Irwan Hidayat. sidomuncul began when a married couple named Shiem Tian Hie and Ibu Rakhmat Sulistio, namely the grandparents of Mr. Irwan Hidayat, started their first business by opening a milking business in Ambbarawa, Central Java. This business was forced to go out of business in 1928. the maleise crisis that made the global economy crash, salary of workers decreased and thousands of people lost their jobs.


The couple then started a new business: a bakery with the name of roti muncul. and then, decided to set up an herb business in the city of jogja because, incidentally, bu rahmat was very good at making herbal medicine. However, as a result of the tragedy of Dutch military aggression 2 in yogyakarta, this couple had to move to semarang to build a herb bussiness with the name of sidomuncul. Didn't forget Mr. Irwan h. Small also brought to semarang. Sidomuncul has 46 million in debt, while corporate’s income is only 800.000 each month. Irwan hidayat's youth emerged as a corporate’s hero and suggested a new product called feminine pills because female herbs were going viral. The net profit in the first 60 days rose to 12 million a month so that the debt of $46 million could be repaid in six months


Label Jamu Sido Muncul  in the form of a mother and child is a picture of Mrs. Rahkmat Sulistio, the founder of Jamu Sido Muncul and his grandson, Irwan Hidayat, were 4 years old at that time. Irwan Hidayat has been the President Director of PT Sido Muncul.since 1972 until now.

One day, the figure of Pak Irwan Hidayat chose to quit college because he wanted to focus on taking care of Sidomuncul. His parents initially opposed his intention, but in the end he managed to convince them that what he was doing was the best life choice. Mr. Irwan Hidayat then really spent his time, mind and energy to taking care of Sidomuncul. In the early 80s he started to think why our products were not accepted and no one wants to buy? Is there anything wrong?. He was confused and looking for answers to these questions. finally he realized two things that the company lacked at that time. The first is that sidomuncul products are mostly bitter on the tongue of Indonesians, so many people don't like,they said the taste are not good, so only a few people drink the product. The second is the public perception that the image of herbal medicine is still considered a traditional herbs that seems old and ancient

A.             Technology development

1.     Mr. Irwan Hidayat find the right solution. he built  more modern laboratory and factory. This building is intended to increase production efficiency and is also used as a place for scientific research. So that the SidoMuncul product design tastes better, useful for health, does not taste bitter, to be liked by many people, so it is accepted by the public. In 2000 SidoMuncul received two important certificates that aligned them with the pharmaceutical industry, namely a certificate on how to manufacture good traditional medicines and a certificate for how to manufacture good medicines.


B.             Awards

1.    In 2000 Sidomuncul received certificates, that are CPOTB and CPOB

2.    Sidomuncul won the corporate image award 2017for the category of traditional herbal medicine from tempo magazine.

3.    PT Jamu Sidomunculwon the award for the 2018-2019 Company Performance Rating Program for the green rating category.

4.    PT Jamu Sidomuncul won the 2019 Indonesia Best Issuers Award from ThinknovateComm and Pikiran Rakyat

5.    Sidomuncul won the Top 50 Listed Companies For 2019from Forbes IndonesiaAward

6.    Sidomuncul won the 2019 CNBC Indonesia Award category The Best Public Company Consumer Goods Sector from CNBC Indonesia

7.    Sidomuncul won the Indonesian award Corporate PR award 2018 for Pharmacy category from Warta Ekonomi

A.    Human resources

The second solution is Mr. Irwan Hidayat to form a department or public relations in charge of increasing cooperation with external companies. Pt sidomuncul also has experts from various disciplines such as biology, pharmacy, agriculture, food technology, chemical engineering and others. To develop their abilities, at certain times employees are given the opportunity to take part in training, courses, seminars. To support the development of PT Sidomuncul also recruits consultants who are experts in their fields, for example pharmacists, general practitioners, nutritionists and specialists.


B.    Marketing

Then the third accurate solution, SidoMuncul endorses celebrities and famous figures in order to find consumers, and definitely to introduce SidoMuncul products, as well as change the old impression of herbal products into modern products. PT. Jamu Sido muncul in marketing Tolak Angin using advertisements through social media, especially on television. The Tolak Angin advertisements are known for their tagline "orang pintar minum tolak angin". Tolak Angin ads are doesn’t just for marketing products but as a reminder and information on what Tolak Angin do to maintain consumer loyalty. Advertising is also used to strengthen the Tolak Angin brand, so that the name Tolak Angin will always remembered by many people.


In attracting consumers, PT Sido Muncul has several types of packaging that are easy for the public to be known and remembered and practical to use and carry. Packaging products sidomuncul are travel size friendly. PT Sido Muncul offers a variety of products with various prices which are affordable and can be enjoyed by many consumers. With an affordable price, Sido Muncul's products can be found anywhere. Because their products emphasize more traditional products or herbal medicine but are managed in a modern way.


C.   Voluntary donations

Which is no business is perfect and going smoothly. In 2004, Sidomuncul has debt again with amount of 160 billion rupiah, the company's finances were in chaos and the company almost went into bankruptcy. Pak Irwan Hidayat as president director was demanded to maintain the company's stability. Then He endorsed Anna Maria and the extraordinary figure is Mbah Maridjan. Whether miracle or not, with the two public figures, the company's turnover increased dramatically. Mr. Irwan is surprised that this drastic profit can cover the company's debt. According to him, it is not only the company's effort but thanks to the intervention of God Almighty.

Sido Muncul can get through these difficult times, because of good corporate governance. In 2019 Sido Muncul can be included in Forbes magazine's  of the best 50 companies. Sido Muncul not only supports thousands of employees, but also helps hundreds of herbal farmer groups. They also contribute to the development of science. Their factory is a place for scientific observation and a visiting place for local people and abroad. Mr. Irwan Hidayat as the President Director, is also known as a very generous figure. Since 1991, Sido Muncul has routinely provided free homecoming to herbal traders throughout Jabodetabek. Recently, Sido Muncul has distributed 15 billion rupiah in aid to help medical personnel and people in need in the midst of the corona virus outbreak. PT sidomuncul gives 1000 sembako with total 270 million to all people whose affected at covid 19. Irwan hidayat join in social activities, and he gives donations to those get more needs And victims of disaster

D.   Vission and misson


To be a pharmaceutical company, traditional medicine, food and beverage health, cosmetics and herbal ingredients processing that can provide benefits to society and the environment.


l  To develop products made from herbal ingredients in the form of pharmaceutical preparations, traditional medicines, health drinks, and cosmetics based on rational, safe and honest research.

l  Developing research on herbal medicines continuously.

l  Assisting and encouraging the government, educational institutions, the medical world to play a greater role in research and development of medicinal and herbal medicine.

l  Increase public awareness of the importance of maintaining health through a healthy lifestyle, the use of natural ingredients, andmedicine naturopathic.

l  Doing Corporate Social Responsibility intensive(CSR).

l  Managing an environmentally friendly company.

l  Become a global herbal medicine company.

E.    Structure organization

1)      Board Of Director

- President Director                                               : David Hidayat

- Director 1                                                            : Irwan Hidayat

- Director 2                                                             : Leonard

- Director 3                                                             : Sumardji Sidik

2)      Board Of Commissioners

- President Commissioners                : Jonathan Sofjan Hidayat

- Commissioners 1                             : Johan Hidayat

- Commissioners 2                            : Sigit Hartojo Hadi Santoso

- Independent Commissioners 1       : Ronnie Bahar

- Independent Commissioners 2       : Eric Marnandus

3)      Remuneration and Nomination Committee

- Chairman and Member                             : Eric Marnandus

- Member                                                   : Heriati Gunawan

- Member                                                    : Venancia Sri Indrijati W

4)      Audit Committee

- Chairman                                                    : Eric Marnandus

- Member                                                     : Dr. Timotius Ak., CA.

- Member                                                    : Arie Sandy Rachim

5)      Internal Audit                                              : Yulius Ajie

6)      Corporate Secretary                                   : Tiur Simamora

7)      Corporate Function

- Marketing                                                    : Irwan Hidayat

- Operational                                                : David Hidayat

- Domestic Sales & Distribution                   : Darmadji Sidik

- Accounting & Finance, IT                         : Leonard

- Communication & Social                           : Irwan Hidayat

- Human Capital                                         : Nunung Lelly Puspitasari

8)      Strategic Business Unit

- Herbal Medicines & Beverages       : Maria Reviana

- Pharmaceutical Medicine                : Susanna Julia

- Extraction                                        : Roy Anton

- Export                                             : Firman Marpaung

F.    Products

Sidomuncul Produces more than 300 types of products. the superior products are  Tolak Angin, Tolak Linu, Kuku Bima Energi, Alang Sari Plus, Kopi Jahe Sido Muncul, Kuku Bima Kopi Ginseng, Susu Jahe, Jamu Komplit, dan Kunyit Asam. 2013, Sido Muncul has 122 distributors throughout Indonesia. Various superior products of Sido Muncul have also been exported to several Southeast Asian countries especially filipina. sidomuncul has profit margin 26 % in 2019. Divident ratio sidomuncul consistently above 80%

Okay everyone, that's the success story of Mr. Irwan Hidayat and Sido Muncul whom he loves. Thanks to a strong determination to never stop innovation and the right marketing strategy, Sido Muncul products have won the hearts of Indonesians.

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