Saturday, November 7, 2020



AZ ZAHRA MADANIAH HAFIFAH                    (7311420140)

NADHIFATUL KHOLIFAH                                  (7311420141)

ARYA NAKULA SANTOSO                                 (7311420142)

ANISA SULISTYOWATI                                       (7311420144)

FEFFI AMELIA PUTRI                                          (7311420145)

RAFFI HEMAS ANGGGORO                               (7311420146)

MUHAMMAD BINTANG MAHARDIKA            (7311420147)

SYADAD HILMI MAULA AS-SHIDDIQY          (7311420148)

A.    Company History

PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk, is part of the unilever group, one of the largest companies in the world in the field of basic goods. Unilever is an Anglo-Dutch joint venture, has headquarters in London and Rotterdam, and has a workforce of 300,000 and operates in around 75 countries.

Unilever Indonesia was first established on December 5, 1933 under the name "Lever's Zeepfabrieken NV" which is located in the Angke area, North Jakarta based on a deed from Mr. AH van Ophuijsen, notary in Batavia. This deed was approved by General Geoual van Nederlandsch-Indie, registered at Raad van Justitie in Batavia on 22 December 1933 and published in the Javasche Courant on 9 January 1934.

On 22 July 1980, the company changed its name to "PT Unilever Indonesia". The name changed again on June 30, 1997 to become "PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk". The marketing office for PT Unilever Indonesia is based in Jakarta, while the eastern region is in Surabaya.

On 22 November 2000, Unilever Indonesia entered into an agreement with PT Anugrah Indah Pelangi, to establish a new company, namely PT Anugrah Lever (PT AL) which is engaged in the manufacturing, development, marketing and sales of soy sauce, chili sauce and other sauces under Bango and other brands under company license for PT AL.

Two years later, on July 3, 2002, Unilever Indonesia again entered into an agreement with Texchem Resources Berhad to establish a new company, namely PT Technopia Lever, which is engaged in the distribution, export and import of goods under the Domestos Nomos trademark. On November 7, 2003, Texchem Resources Berhad entered into a share sale and purchase agreement with Technopia Singapore Pte. Ltd, in which Texchem Resources Berhad agreed to sell all of its shares in PT Technopia Lever to Technopia Singapore Pte. Ltd.

At the company's Extraordinary General Meeting on December 8, 2003, Unilever Indonesia received approval from its minority shareholders to acquire shares of PT Knorr Indonesia (PT KI) from Unilever Overseas Holdings Limited (a related party). This acquisition became effective on the date of the signing of the share sale and purchase agreement between the company and Unilever Overseas Holdings Limited on January 21, 2004.

On July 30, 2004, Unilever Indonesia joined PT KI. Mergers are accounted for using a method similar to the pooling of interests method. The company is a company that survives and after the merger PT KI no longer exists as a separate legal entity. This merger is in accordance with the approval of the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) in letter No. 740 / III / PMA / 2004 dated 9 July 2004.

In 2007, the company signed a conditional agreement to purchase the “Buavita” and “Gogo” brands of fruit-based Vitality drinks from Ultra. The transaction was completed in January 2008

B.    Company Organization

Unilever has a product type divisional organizational structure. The organization is divided into components based on their product focus. For example, the company has a division for personal care products and another division for home care products. The following are the main characteristics of Unilever's organizational structure:

1.     Product type divisions (most significant feature)

2.     Corporate Executive Teams

3.     Geographic divisions (least significant feature)

·       Business Management

Unilever's corporate structure is responsible for ensuring adequate support for product innovation in the firm's global business. A company's organizational structure or corporate structure is the design that defines the arrangement and systems used to build and interconnect various organizational components, such as offices and teams. Unilever's organizational structure adapts to changes in the consumer goods industry and global market. At present, the company maintains a structure that addresses corporate needs in terms of managing product types across the world. As a leading consumer goods firm, Unilever has an organizational structure that suitably supports diversified global operations.

With an organizational structure that enables effective product development, Unilever continues its position as one of the biggest consumer goods companies in the world. Such organizational structural design ensures Unilever's continuing success despite the complexity of its global operations.

·       Features of Unilever's Organizational Structure

Unilever has a product type divisional organizational structure. The organization is divided into components based on their product focus. For example, the company has a division for personal care products and another division for home care products. The following are the main characteristics of Unilever's organizational structure:

1.  Product type divisions (most significant feature)

2.  Corporate Executive Teams

3.  Geographic divisions (least significant feature)


·       Product Type Divisions.

A product type division functions as a unit that enables Unilever to manage the development, manufacturing, distribution and sale of its consumer goods. For example, corporate managers use this feature of the organizational structure to match markets needs with appropriate products. An advantage of this structural characteristic is its facilitation of the company's efforts to apply product differentiation, which is Unilever's generic strategy for competitive advantage. This corporate structure is beneficial, especially because the company already has a diverse portfolio of products. Unilever maintains the following product type divisions in its organizational structure:

1.  Personal Care

2.  Foods

3.  Home Care

4.  Refreshment


·       Corporate Executive Teams.

Corporate teams are a secondary characteristic of Unilever's organizational structure. This structural feature is based on business functions. For example, Unilever has a team for finance and another team for marketing communications. These teams make up the Unilever Leadership Executive (ULE) group. The following are the corporate executive teams in Unilever's organizational structure:

1.  Chief Executive

2.  Human Resources

3.  Research & Development

4.  Supply Chain

5.  Refreshment

6.  Personal Care

7.  North America

8.  Home Care

9.  Finance

10.  Legal

11.  Foods

12.  Marketing & Communications

13.  Europe

·       Geographic Divisions.

Geographic divisions are a minor feature of Unilever's organizational structure. The company uses this structural characteristic to support regional strategies. For example, Unilever's marketing strategies for Europe are different from strategies applied for Asian consumer goods markets. Also, this corporate structure feature is used to analyze the company's financial performance. The following geographic divisions are maintained in Unilever's organizational structure:

1.  Asia / AMET / RUB (Africa, Middle East, Turkey; Russia, Ukraine, Belarus)

2.  The Americas

3.  Europe


C.    Product

Broadly speaking, PT Unilever's products are divided into 2 categories, namely:

a.     Home and Personal Care Products

1). Fabric cleaning: Rinso and Surf

2). Fabric Conditioners: Molto and Molto Pure

3). Personal wash: Lux Skin Care, Lux Beauty, and Lifebuoy

4). Household Care: SuperPell and Domestos Nomos

5). Hair Care: Lifebuoy, Sunsilk, and Dove shampoo

 6). Oral care: Pepsodent and CloseUp

7). Mass Skin and Deodorant: Pond's, Citra, Vaseline, Dove, and Rexona

b.     Foods and Ice Cream

1). Spread and cooking products: BlueBand

2). Cooking aids: Royco and Bango

3). Beverages: Sariwangi and Lipton Ice Tea

4). Ice Cream: Walls, Paddle Pop, Magnum

D.    Marketing Strategy

·       Strengthens Customer and Supplier Familiarity

In PT.Unilever Indonesia, most promotions are carried out through electronic media. However, in everyday life, the promotions conducted by PT. Unilever Indonesia not only through electronic media but also through print media, sponsorship, holding events that include products from PT. Unilever such as Bango soy sauce, Pepsodent, Pantene shampoo, etc. Because if the promotion is carried out only through electronic media, PT. Unilever Indonesia did not get optimal benefits. Society in Indonesia consists of various groups and various social levels. If the company cannot touch the hearts of all people, then the company cannot develop rapidly. The meaning of advertisements offered by companies must also be understood by various groups, because advertising is one way of promotion that can be carried out by companies in order to obtain optimal benefits

·       Product Differentiation

Products Unilever continues to introduce the latest packaging, but Unilever maintains the quality of its products. Whether it's glass bottles, sachets, small bottles and many more packages.

·       Focusing on Market Opportunities

Unilever products use a customer information system that is different from others, products enter the market by promoting their goods in a direct way to the public with real evidence of quality, for example by holding competitions to the public for comparisons between products Unilever with other competing products.

·       Advertising

All forms of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods or services paid for by a specific sponsor.

·       Sales Promotion. 

Short-term incentives to encourage the desire to try or buy a product or service.

·       Public Relations and Publicity 

various programs to promote and or protect the company's image or individual products.

·       Direct Marketing 

uses letters, telephone, facsimile, e-mail, and other non-personal means of communicating directly with or obtaining direct responses from certain customers and potential customers. However, with the increasing times, market competition is getting tougher, the development of various types of new media. 

Fun fact

1.     Unilever products are used by 2.5 billion people in the world every day.

Without realizing it, the company, which is headquartered in London, England, has dominated the world in terms of dependency. It can be seen from the number of product users reaching 2.5 billion per day.

According to data from World Parameters, today the world's population reaches 7.7 billion. If you pay attention to these figures, it can be concluded that one in three people in the world daily use Unilever products with or without realizing it.

It is no wonder that they are one of the most valuable companies with a Brand Value of US $ 4.4 billion or the equivalent of Rp.62 trillion, an increase of more than twofold in seven years.

2.     There are over 400 brands sold in 190 countries

Unilever has 400 product brands sold on the market today. The amount is divided into several groups such as food, drinks, cleaning tools, toothbrushes, beauty products and medical devices.

In Indonesia, some of the best-selling brands are Pepsodent, Dove, Sunsilk, Ax, Ponds and Wall's ice cream. In fact, in the same type of product, this company has more than one brand if you pay attention.


3.     Unilever was originally a margarine and soap

company. Unilever was originally a margarine and soap company, where this company was the result of a combination of the Margarine Unie corporation from the Netherlands and Lever Brothers, which previously only produced soap in the UK. 

It was only in 1929 that the two parties agreed to a merger scheme and Unilever was born as we know it today.

That's an interesting fact about Unilever that is rarely known. Are you one of the loyal users of their products.

4.     Unilever's profit reached Rp. 797 trillion.

Even though it had to employ that many people, it was not an obstacle for this company to get fantastic profits.

In 2018 alone, the total amount of money collected touched 51 billion Euros, equivalent to IDR 797 trillion. That's more than double the profits of fast food restaurant McDonalds, which posted $ 21 billion.

5.     Committed to being more environmentally friendly

As we know, most of the products marketed by Unilever in Indonesia use plastics that are not environmentally friendly. However, the company is committed to using plastic base materials that have the principles of Reuse, Recycle and Compostable.

All of that will be carried out in full in 2025 or 5 years. At the same time, this corporation continues to make efforts to go green to campaign for going green to the world community.

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