Sunday, December 20, 2020



GROUP     :  10


1. Dias Maulidya Oktaviani     (7311420031)

2. Feffi Amelia Putri                 (7311420145)

3. Muhammad Bintang Mahardika ( 7311420147)

4. Ina septria Ginting                 (7311420259)


Borobudur Temple

      Borobudur Temple is the largest Buddhist temple in the world, which is located in Magelang, Central Java. This temple was built as a holy place to glorify Buddha and function as a place of pilgrimage as well as a tourist spot. Borobudur temple is very famous in world because of its uniqueness, namely its magnificent building, which is made of statues, and is one of the seven wonders of the world. Borobudur temple is open for visitors from Monday to Sunday but is only open from 06.00 a.m - 05.00 p.m. If you visit Central Java you should come to Borobudur temple.


Online Learning is Negative for Students

    Education is a learning process that is carried out for students so that they have a lot of understanding, can think critically and be innovative. But many people underestimate education as not important, especially in the current pandemic conditions, especially in student learning and student learning becomes unstable. Online learning is a solution that is applied to student learning from home because in the current Covid-19 pandemic, all elements of society are expected to remain at home to avoid contracting Covid-19. However, in practice, online learning has a negative impact on students.

    Firstly, at present  online learning is a solution during the Covid pandemic, but in the implementation of online learning it is not as imagined, online learning tends to be ineffective because most of the learning process only has tasks without clarity of material. This of course can make students do not understand what they are studying. This of course can affect student scores during the exam later.

    Secondly, the online learning system saves more time, but not necessarily online learning is more effective in accepting learning materials for students. Many complain that how to study online only provides piling up tasks, which add to the stress of students while at home. The lack of interaction with teachers, friends, and the outside environment plus the pressure due to the difficulty of distance learning can cause stress in children.

    Therefore, it can be concluded that online learning is negative for students because it has a direct impact on students' psychology.









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