Sunday, December 20, 2020


GROUP     : 7 


1.         Andri Widodo              ( 7311420246 )

2.         Arya Nakula Santoso  ( 7311420142 )

3.         Dina Maritza                 ( 7311420041 )

4.         Syaiful Budi Prasetyo   ( 7311420262 ) 


Borobudur Temple

        Borobudur Temple is one of the cultural tourist attractions located in Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia. Borobudur Temple is a very famous Buddhist heritage temple and is one of the seven wonders of the world that needs to be preserved. Borobudur Temple is considered as the largest Buddhist temple in the world, because its size reaching 15.129 m² and its height of 35 m. Borobudur Temple consists of six square terraces on which there are three circular courtyards and the walls of the temple are decorated with 2.672 relief panels. Borobudur Temple is visited by many tourists, both domestic or foreign tourists and most of them are interested in visiting Borobudur Temple because of the beauty of the reliefs on the temple walls.


                                            Online Learning is Negative for Students

        In an effort to prevent the Covid-19 outbreak, the government issued a policy for students to study at home to reduce the risk of contracting the Covid-19 virus. Some schools implement online learning systems without face to face . In my opinion , online learning can give negative impacts and not good for students . Here are the reasons ;

        First , here are limitations to accessing the internet. Although the government provides internet quota assistance to support learning, not all students have smartphones or personal computers for online learning.  Then students are at risk of dropping out of school.

        Second , decreased student learning achievement. Many students have difficulty concentrating, so that students are at risk of learning loss . Students also tend to experience increased stress due to assignments from school.

Therefore , it can be conclude that online learning can give negative impacts for students.






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1. Adnan Wirayudha                            7311420021 2. Nini Mardani Nofriani Puspita Sari 7311420025 3. Afifah Nurulita Sari           ...