Sunday, December 20, 2020


Group         :11

Member         :

1)        Evi Indah Kusuma Dewi   ( 7311420035 )

2)        Asty Widiyanti                   ( 7211420028 )

3)        Elsa Faniyah                      ( 7311420247 )

4)        Hanif Fauzil Adhim May  ( 7311420155 )


    Raja Ampat

            Raja Ampat is a very famous tourist spot in Indonesia which is located in West Papua. Raja Amapat is very famous for its underwater tourism which is the best diving spot in the world because of the completeness of its underwater flora and fauna so that many tourists visit it.

            Raja Ampat's beauty is not only about its underwater riches, but also about its scenery. The islets of rock, clear blue water and clear blue skies give off an amazing vibe all around. besides that this place is also famous for its dense forests which are home to bird species and the islands are in the form of a row of high cliffs so that it adds to the beauty here such as Piaynemo, Kabui Bay, and Wayag which are also well known throughout the world.


                                    Online Learning is Negative for Students

covid-19 pandemic has a huge impact on the whole world, one of which is in the field of education. As a result of the covid-19 pandemic, schools were closed and required students to study at home with an online learning system. This online learning is the most effective way to learn so that the spread of the covid-19 virus  does not get bigger. However, online learning has not been able to run as expected because there are still many obstacles in the implementation of learning and the negative impact of online learning. Here are the negative impacts of online learning.

Firts, distance learning (PJJ) or via online is also enforced. This online school is not only burdensome for teachers bus also burdensome for students. In addition, online school have a negative impact on students, one of which is decrease in achievement or learning achievement. The reason like that is because learning through online is a lot of students who have difficulty adding to the load the first time because there are so many assigments from the teacher to spend immidiately, with that students feel stressed and bored. The role of parents is very much needed because clearly the teacher can only guide via online, smartphone, zoom or other applications that help the learning process remotely. Parents who should go to work  or carry out activities instead follow and accompany their children to study, which is not necessarily the case that parents understand the existing learning and curriculum. The prolonged impact of PJJ can be very negative and permanent, one of which is the first threat to drop out of the school and have already worked because PJJ conditions are not optimal, the second is decrease in learning achievement, and the third is that students feel stressed because PJJ effects student psychology as with continue to be at home and not meet friends at school, plus burdensome assignments or home work, than obviously it will be stressful.

Second, online learning has a negative impact on students vision and socialization. In online laerning, we must use a smartphone or other similar technolog. The use of technology like this is usually bad for eyes health due to exposure to it is rays, time to spend studying online and doing assignment are also not small, it adversely impact to eyes health. Besides learning online also have a neagtive impact on student sosialization on the surrounding environment. Students tend to stay at home to study and do assignment, whitout caring about the environment and the surrounding community. This is also bad for students social life.

Therefore, it can be concluded that this online school have a negatif impact on students. So learning online for a long time can have a negative impact on students. For that we must try to help goverment to deal with the covid-19 pandemic so that it will subside quickly.

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