Sunday, December 20, 2020


GROUP     : 6 


Raffi Hemas Anggoro                                    (7311420146)

Alif Rizqiani                                                   (7311420042)             

Annisa Innayatul Lathiefah                            (7311420263)

Lyvia Bella Ayu Azzahra Barwyzid               (7311420026)


Komodo Island

Komodo Island is an iconic island that has been recognized by UNESCO as a world heritage, which is located in East Nusa Tenggara. This island contains animals that are the only ones in the world and the oldest animals still alive today, namely Komodo. Because of its uniqueness, many tourists from local and foreign countries visit to see this Komodo. Komodo Island is still very natural and beautiful, so it is suitable for a vacation together. Therefore, the Indonesian Government pays attention to preserving the habitat here so that it does not become extinct.

2. Analitycal Exposition

Onmibus Law Should Not be Supported

        The Indonesian government issued a policy to overcome the bad situation that has befallen at this time of the pandemic, namely the omnibus law or laws that summarize a number of laws into one which are considered to be better for Indonesia. The Omnibus Law contains regulations on employment, simplification of business licensing, investment requirements, and government administration. In my opinion, the Omnibus law should not be supported. Here are the reasons;

    Firstly, the omnibus law makes labor lives more miserable and is of no benefit to labors. Abolished labor rights, such as the elimination of minimum wages, termination of employment can be done easily by companies for their employees. Another problem is that it makes it easier for foreign workers to work in Indonesia, which causes fewer jobs and creates a lot of unemployment.

       Secondly, most people have expressed their objection if the omnibus law is passed by the government, not only the public and labors but also college students who help reject the omnibus law. The draft of the omnibus law was not carried out with good transparency to the public, so there may be malicious schemes carried out by state officials. The creation of the omnibus law, not only worsened Indonesia's economic condition, but also the public health condition due to massive demonstrations during the pandemic and social conditions that caused division between people

         Therefore, the omnibus law policy should not be supported so that Indonesia's condition does not get worse in the future.

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